Welcome to the How to Change Your Service Prices Tutorial. Hey! It’s a great day at The New Flat Rate! In this video, we’re going to show you how to change your service prices in the TNFR Admin Dashboard. There are a couple of ways that you can do that. The...
Welcome to the Enhanced Customization Tutorial for TNFR members. This new update allows you to customize your tech handbook and descriptions. *Version 5.0.5 or higher on the TNFR Mobile App Start by logging into www.TNFRapp.com, the admin dashboard. Click company,...
GET DEMO! Welcome to the Housecall Pro Integration setup tutorial for TNFR members. A brief tutorial video walking you through the setup process for the Housecall Pro integration with The New Flat Rate! Step 1: Log into the TNFR or admin dashboard by going to...