Welcome to the Enhanced Customization Tutorial for TNFR members. 

This new update allows you to customize your tech handbook and descriptions. 

*Version 5.0.5 or higher on the TNFR Mobile App 

  1. Start by logging into www.TNFRapp.com, the admin dashboard.
  2. Click company, then click edit.
  3. Click “Manage Tasks”.
  4. Click “Edit”
  5. Make changes in the Tech Handbook section.
  6. Click “Save”.
  7. The option you just edited should be listed as a draft.
  8. Repeat steps above to as many tasks as you want to edit.
  9. Click “Publish Changes”.
  10. Open up TNFR Mobile App on each tablet.
  11. Tap the “Refresh” button beside “What are we doing today?”
  12. Use your custom tech handbook!

Another special feature in this update is the ability to reset the tech handbook back to the default configuration.

To do so, simply click the “View Default” button.

If you would like to reset your handbook, simply copy and paste the section into the customization section and format as desired. 

If you have any questions or wanna talk about this any further, you can call us at (706) 259-8892. Or you can just send us an email support@menupricing.com