“Some guy came out to my house and SAID he fixed my system but it doesn’t even work!”
The words every call taker “loves” to hear right? Not! If you are in the heating and cooling industry, it is so easy to skip the test and go on to all the rest of the jobs you have lined up for the day. Whether cold or hot, people HATE to be uncomfortable in their homes. It’s time to stop the Go, Go, Go and remind ourselves to TEST.
Technicians take pride in their work. They have to drive to the job, fix the system, maybe even go and pick up the parts they need, do a complete job, and then go on to the next thing. But, a common mistake is simply thinking, “I’m too busy” or perhaps even, “I don’t need to test the system”. Maybe you say, “I know what the problem was, it will work now, I’m 99% sure”. Yet, if you’ve completed a job, pressed complete on your dispatch screen, and then get a callback, “This thing ain’t working!!!”, the obvious conclusion is that It’s not actually fixed!!!
Testing your work before you leave doesn’t sound hard, but do you do it every call? If our technicians (and us, if we’re being honest) fix this SUPER SIMPLE problem, we will find our callbacks exponentially limited!
Whether it’s a simple fix or a complete installation, leaving your work unfinished when you said it was complete is lying to yourself, your co-workers, your customer, your boss, and…everyone. Let’s do ourselves a favor and test the system BEFORE we’ve marked “complete” on the job. Just another step in saving time and creating customer loyalty on every job.
Fellow HVAC technicians and owners, we got this. Let’s take whether we test the system off our list, and make a “sometimes” an always. Let’s make the 99% a pure 100% and stop getting callbacks for being too busy for our customers comfort, wellbeing, and loyalty.
To Your Success,
Melody Koop
Creative Director
The New Flat Rate
[email protected]