Gary’s Plumbing company has happier customers when they use menu pricing!
Satisfied and happy customers give better reviews…Fact!
When you diagnose a customer’s problem you are finding out what they need, but when you show them a menu they get to choose what they want.
Since October when we started holding refresher courses we’ve been inundated with calls, texts, emails every day from contractors using The New Flat Rate saying, “Showed the page and they took the Platinum” or this one from yesterday, “Nothing but Platinum’s over here” or this one, “Plata, Plata, Plata, ta da!”
We have been tracking customer reactions and we are finding that the more we make it work like a true menu the more the satisfaction, and we see almost no buyer’s remorse at all. Think about that, almost 15,000 service calls a week and no buyer’s remorse. This is unheard of in our industry. You are changing an industry that has been steeped in problems for the last 20 years and is now turning around to become one of the best businesses to be in. The in home service business is now getting attention from Wall Street , Google, Amazon, Microsoft and others as opportunities are becoming evident. And you are on the forefront using an entirely different approach to business.
If you would like additional training, or help or guidance then please call me personally because that is what I’m here for. We are hearing so much success from contractors just like you.