Indoor Air Quality Menu Pricing System

Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice… Learn to diagnose, and present amazing IAQ options for your customers.



about the iaq Menu Pricing System


About the IAQ Menu Pricing

What’s in it for you?

Have you ever spent hours, hours, and more hours…in a customer’s home, diagnosing and discovering the answers for transforming an unhealthy living environment into a clean air, healthy haven for your customer and their family? If your answer is yes, then you’re not alone.

The New Flat Rate's Menu Pricing System

This IAQ Menu Pricing system has pioneered the way into helping you get paid what you’re worth. Never before have contractors had an automated way to get paid during the discovery phases of IAQ.

We will not only be providing our New IAQ Menu Pricing System, but intense training on how to offer options when it comes to Indoor Air Quality.

Why Is Indoor Air Quality Important For My Customer?

 IAQ is expected to showcase over a 3 billion dollar increase in revenue over the next three years.  As air pollutants inside the home are increasingly becoming more and more dangerous, desires to learn how to integrate IAQ into your service are getting higher. It’s said that Americans spend almost 90% of their time indoors.  That means that 90% of the time, we are breathing in heavy pollutants and only giving our respiratory systems a 10% break.  Most are unaware of this respiratory tragedy.  So, is it necessary to jump on the IAQ bandwagon? With 3 billion dollars in revenue and the health of your customers on the line, the need is dire. The how. is the next step.