Common Sense Marketing for Service Contractors
Free Virtual Training
Topic: Common Sense Marketing for Service Contractors
When: Jan 6, 2021 / 2:00 PM EST
Who should attend? Business Owners / Marketing Team
Cost: FREE!!!
Training by Frank Besednjak

Still confused as to what to spend your marketing and advertising dollars on? You already know that getting solid leads is essential to continued success in service contracting businesses. Marketers are finding that buying patterns and spending trends continue to change in every market and that consumers are becoming more selective when they decide who to do business with. Using the same ads from ten years ago that sell products and services while claiming they have the best prices are not effective today. As a result of these market changes, Frank Besednjak will share his research and expertise on Common Sense Marketing for today’s Service Contracting Businesses.
During this web event, Frank Besednjak will share the information you need to:
- Define your target market
- Market directly to your target customer rather than people who would never spend money with you
- Focus your efforts and advertising in the number one method to grow your brand
- Understand why video in advertising is so important and how to do it successfully
- Help define your “Unique Selling Proposition”
- Understand the value of “Social Media Ads” and how to make them work for you
- Discuss the benefits of sharing your fees and prices upfront, on your website
What will you get?
Each registered attendee will receive a pdf version of the content discussed + a recording of the live webinar.
What will you get?
Each registered attendee will receive a pdf version of the content discussed + a recording of the live webinar.
About Frank Besednjak
In the last 26 years, I’ve helped thousands of people and small businesses reach their dreams and goals. I do this through personal coaching, workshops, mentoring and ongoing business support services.
I was born in a refugee camp in Salerno, Italy. When I was at the ripe old age of 10 months, my parents, in search of a better life and with the willingness to work hard to achieve the “American Dream”, moved to the United States as immigrants.
After graduating high school, I served a four-year stint in the Navy on board the USS Iwo Jima during several Middle East military operations. After returning from my military service, I worked as a service technician and technical support specialist at a Sony Business Products distributor. A few years later I was hired by the RCA Service Company where I was Service Manager for 75 to 80 service and installation technicians in a union environment. While in the position of service manager for the RCA Service Company, I received maximum incentive awards five straight years for the dramatic improvement and sustained profitability. We went from the second worst out of 138 locations, in the company to second best in less than five years. After the merger between GE and RCA, I received a promotion to lead the GE Consumer Service Division Cleveland Region. After a few years of successful growth, I was promoted to oversee the GE Appliances Service, Training and Technical Support group out of Louisville, KY for General Electric Appliances Globally.
While at at GE, I received numerous letters of commendation, incentive awards, stock options and special recognition in the areas of Leadership, Business Growth, Team Building, Productivity Improvements and Overall Management Excellence. I implemented several programs that resulted in record setting performance goals and quality improvements in the GE brand. I was also selected and attended the prestigious John F. Welch Management Training Program in the GE John F. Welch Management Development Institute for Executive Development, where I had the opportunity to meet and work with with some of the leaders of the most successful Fortune 100 companies, including Jack Welch himself. As a result, I was chosen to be one of the players who would spearhead the “GE Workout” program that eventually resulted in the implementation of Six Sigma.
Just to add a personal experience amongst all of this career talk . . .
When my children were four and seven years old, their Mother died suddenly from a brain aneurysm. I now faced a new challenge of raising my children as a single dad. Although we had some difficult times, We as a team were able to withstand all of the issues and I am proud to say both of my children turned out to be intelligent, caring, loving and very successful young adults who have brought me four incredible grandchildren. I am so very proud of them.
Okay, back to business . . .
At the end of 1993, after realizing my real dream was to operate my own business, I decided to pursue my own interests and begin my work as a business coach and consultant. This became the initial beginning of what is now The Training Source, Inc.
Including completion of dozens of certifications such as a certified Indoor Air Quality Specialist, also listed as an Approved Contractor Continuing Education provider for Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky and Ohio. I’ve authored several professional publications on “Brain Compatible Training Design”, “The Customer Satisfaction Pyramid”, “Conscious Awareness in Customer Service”, “Business Leadership Strategies”, plus dozens more. I’ve attended numerous business and technical educational programs in my field of study, along with receiving a Bachelor of Business Administration, with a double major in Marketing from McKendree College. I attended college at night, while working and raising two children as a single dad.
Now that you know a lot more about me personally and professionally. What are you waiting for?
Register for our workshop today!