What is the HVAC Equipment Module?
The New Flat Rate’s S.O.S (Selling on the Spot) Equipment Module is designed to be the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE to set your HVAC company apart when giving quotes and selling equipment systems.
This training aims to get you to a 100% close rate, better customer communication, and a complete understanding of the role of a comfort advisor or equipment sales person.
Why is the Equipment Module Important?
3 Secrets that make it your selling advantage
1. The new script you will learn that comes with it. The script allows you to ask the customer, “are you sure you don’t want me to fix it?” Before this statement, the customer was expecting a replacement, not a repair. You can go on to explain that you can show them the repair and replacement options to see what fits better with them.
2. Having better communication with the customer. This better communication includes asking about health concerns, performance issues, and particular concerns they may have when building the inspection report. Try speaking slowly and clearly when presenting TNFR to your customer. The customer has difficulty understanding you when you present the top option, so it may help to slow down.
3. This module helps with customer objections. There are five steps to help you through customer objections that the SOS class teaches you. These include; Listening, breathing, clarifying, responding, and using the golden hammer.
2 Tips and Reminders for the Equipment Module
A great tip from Coach Chris Michelle is to answer objections before they are raised. You can read your customer’s body language to see their concerns before they say something. Another tip is only to do a presentation with a smoking gun! A smoking gun allows us to say, “I am a little concerned….” Without it, there will be a much higher resistance.
This class pushes you to step out of your comfort zone and helps you connect with your customers. This class is more advanced than our 2-day implementation and refresher training class, and it is a much bigger challenge. However, it is also full of valuable information. This class is definitely worth your time! You’ll leave feeling motivated to do better tomorrow than you did today.
Click HERE to learn when and how to sign up for our next HVAC Equipment SOS Class.